Wednesday 24 August 2011

Elle Magazine

Olá meninas!
Antes de eu ir pra Londres, na semana passada, eu fui fotografada pela Elle Magazine!

Uau Elle Magazine UK!!! Eles estavam fazendo uma reportagem sobre a moda nas ruas durante o Edinburgh Festival. Estava eu indo comprar um café e uma pasta pro meus documentos e na volta eu vejo o reporter e o fotógrafo se aproximando e eu pensei “isso não tem nada comigo”, porém o camarada me abre um sorriso colgate e já chega dizendo que meu look é o máximo e quer me fotografar. Morri! Enfim, aí esta o resultado!

Hi girls!

Before I went to London last week I had a photo o fme taken by Elle Magazine!

Wow Elle Magazine UK!!! They were doing an article about Street Style during Edinburgh Festival. So there I was coming back to the Shop with my coffee and a plastic folder and I saw this guy and a photographer coming towards me and I thought “This has nothing to do with me” and the guy looked at me with a massive smile and said that my style were FAB (and my chiffon skirt was amazing) and he wanted to take a photo of me to put on the magazine. Anyways!!! Here is the result!

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